Custom jacket texture made by bohoa in Substance Painter.
Features a slight metallic look on the colorful bursts! Made to replace realmale_jacket-1_purple in your StreamingAssets/Windows folder.
To install follow these directions:
1. Navigate to the steam installation, and then to StreamingAssets\Windows; for example mine is F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\thesnowboardgame\tsg_Data\StreamingAssets\Windows
2. Backup realmale_jacket-1_purple to a backup folder somewhere
3. Download and unzip or select open from the download dialog box
4. Copy and paste the downloaded file into the StreamingAssets/Windows folder, which is named realmale_jacket-1_purple, and be sure to overwrite
5. Navigate to C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\WebPlayer\Cache\Let it roll AB_The Snowboard Game and delete all folders, or delete the parent folder if Windows gives you a warning.
6. Start game and select the Purple Jacket if you have it bought and you should see this in it's place!
If there are any problems, be sure to message me!
27 Nov 20:15Version 1.0.0
Jacket uploaded feature a black base and colorful bursts of metallic goodness!
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