Variety of Baggy Pants

V 1.1.0 mod for The Snowboard Game

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Recolors of the default Baggy White Pants, these will replace the realmale_pants-2_white in your StreamingAssets/Windows Folder!

We kick things off with a yellow pant that is a recreation of my irl pants and a pair of solid black pants!

Please only choose one to install because each file is made to overwrite " realmale_pants-2_white "

Remove anything after the "realmale_pants-2_white" filename, for example in the black pants are labeled "realmale_pants-2_white - black"; remove the " - black" from the name.

To install follow these directions:


1. Navigate to the steam installation, and then to StreamingAssets\Windows; for example mine is F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\thesnowboardgame\tsg_Data\StreamingAssets\Windows
2. Backup realmale_pants-2_white to a backup folder somewhere
3. Download and unzip or select open from the download dialog box
4. Copy and paste the downloaded file into the StreamingAssets/Windows folder, which is named realmale_pants-2_white, and be sure to overwrite
5. Navigate to C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\WebPlayer\Cache\Let it roll AB_The Snowboard Game and delete all folders, or delete the parent folder if Windows gives you a warning.
6. Start game and select the White Baggy Pants if you have them and you should see this in it's place!

If there are any problems, be sure to message me!


  • 27 Nov 21:14
    Version 1.1.0

    Yellow Baggy Pants


27.11 2020
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Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von The Snowboard Game installiert.
The Snowboard Game
2.67 MB 154

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