
V L1A1 mod for OpenXcom

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All included in the package except original XCOM:UFO Defense files, which need to go into /UFO directory.

See /XPiratez_Readme for more info.

You can also visit X-Piratez Discord channel, or OXCOM forums at: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/board,18.0.html

Cover Art by Berggen

Disclaimer: Don't always expect latest version to be available here. The mods.io service is too sniffy and thus sometimes fucks up my uploads to the point I stop trying.


  • 27 Jul 08:25
    Version L1A1

    v.L1A1 9-Apr-2020 Aurora Nights 2
    - OXCE upgrade to
    - Fixed bank robbery mission
    - Fixed Blue Turret crash
    - Fixed some map crashes
    - New Vessel Component: STC Zortrium Plating
    - New Armor: Plate Mail (Lokk'Naar)
    - New Weapons: Fish Grenade (Deep Ones), Huge Bone
    - New Ammo: Longbow Tarnian Arrows
    - New Item: Golden Mask
    - New smashing spriteworks by Bloax!
    - New Academy and Brothel buildings by Wolverin
    - Starting Hideout changes: added Land Deed and extra Security Corridor
    - Rebalanced White Worm and Shadowbat stats
    - Glitter armor rechristened to Sear, shield changed to Red
    - Most Electric Stun Weapons do some HP dmg now.
    - Un-Surrealistiked damage formulas on Stone Hatchet and Bone Club.
    - Buffs to some sniper weapons
    - Buffs to Staff of Explosion and Phantom Whip
    - Extra recruitment option: Veterans for Glamour
    - You need to pay for ship damages in Battlescape now
    - Capitatory Tax
    - Cydonia tweaks
    - AI behaviour tweaks
    - Regenerating units/armors have 0 recovery time, instead they get a proportional Freshness hit.
    - Lots of new Lore, including the new VIP section
    - Smoothing out rough edges
    - Removing unused terrain/map/route files
    - Small fixes


19.10 2018
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 27 Votes


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