This is the LS15 version of AutoTractor ( ). Version 2.0 only works with FS15 patch 1.3 final.
How does it work?
AutoTractor automatically inserts itself into all vehicles if they already have the specialization aiTractor. When starting this alternative helper it briefly scans the field at the current tractor position. But apart from this, AutoTractor has only a little idea of ??where it is on the field. Instead, this mod looks, starting from the current position, for the border between untouched and already worked area is. This works much like AutoCombine.
However, a combine is much easier to steer. The cutter is mounted rigidly forward. Turning to the left, then the cutter goes to the left. In tractors, it is unfortunately more complicated. The tool can be mounted front or rear rigid. Larger tools are mounted in the rear and are movable. So turning to the left the cultivator or plough will first turn in the other direction. Therefore AutoTractor requires much more computing power. Actually, you can not calculate the route accurately enough without the FPS' going down strongly.
When you should not use AutoTractor?
On beautiful rectangular fields you can better use the normal hired worker. The headland settings in AutoTractor work for the normal hired worker as well. AutoTractor does not work together with other mods changing the behaviour of the hired worker .
If you want to go a a certain path on the field then I recommend using CoursePlay. For simple following tasks the mod FollowMe is great. I have the two mods together with AutoTractor in my mods folder.
Known Issues
Unfortunately, it happens again and again that frame rates drop. When starting AutoTractor you should make sure that the rear wheels of the tractor are already on the correct field. Concave field margins let the FPS decrease strongly. This problem I have not yet fully under control. Apparently, this phenomenon occurs less strong in circular mode.
For mowing grass you have to mow once around the area to be mowed around itself. The field-scanner then tries to determine the interior. Tedders are supported but windrows not.
How to
With the 5 key to open the AutoTractor hud . There you will find 15 buttons . Here whose assignment is in the following scheme:
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
- A1: hired worker on/off
- A2: swap between the built-in helper of Giants and the AutoTractor helper (default)
- A3: switching between up-/down-mode (default) and circular mode
- A4: automatic steering. Here AutoTractor only takes over the steering. You have to operate throttle and brake on your own.
- A5: during the turning maneuver you can jump to the next step . This is sometimes needed when the hired worker is stuck
- B1: headland on/off (default is off). Headland only works in up-/down-mode
- B2: small or big headland
- B3: collision check on/off (default is off)
- B4: turning mode
- B5: Seed consumption (Default is On). From Patch 1.2 of helpers used basically the existing seed. If this button is on then hired worker will stop once no more seed is in the tank.
- C1: this button activates the left margin
- C2: this button activates the right edge
- C3: increase maximum steering angle
- C4: reduce maximum steering angle
- C5: support for cultivators in front of a sowing machine
- D1: increase working width
- D2: reduce working width
- D3: more space when turning / headland
- D4: less space when turning / headland
- D5: work in reverse (default off)
In addition, you can still change the speed by pressing buttons 1 and 2. With key 3 you can let pause the helper. The buttons for the headland (B1, B2, C3, C4) and seed consumption (B5) now work with the normal hired worker as well. AutoTractor supports all devices supported by the normal hired worker plus mowers, tedders, sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, manure spreaders and slurry barrels. Additionally, drawn harvesters and defoliators are supported, too.
I thank all the volunteer testers, even if I could not take into account all. My special thanks go to Fendt fan 12 and Christian181.
The mod may not be offered using the original download links on other sites for download. The re-upload to other file hosters is prohibited. A short note to me would be nice too.
mogli aka biedens
25 Oct 10:11Version 2.6
- polish, czech and russian translation
- fine tuning core engine
- compatibility dedi server -
12 Aug 15:16Version 2.5
03 Aug 20:12Version 2.0
- improved engine
- minor adjustments for patch 1.3 -
02 Jan 15:26Version 1.6
path detection algorithm partly re-written; improved performance allows more flexibility of path; adjustment of hired worker button to new logic of FS15 patch 1.2
by biedens
ago over 8 years
by biedens
ago over 10 years
by dani-s
ago about 8 years
by Waldkauz
ago about 8 years
by dani-s
ago about 9 years
by dani-s
ago about 9 years
by dani-s
ago about 9 years
by dani-s
ago about 9 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago about 10 years
by MF3640GE
ago about 10 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago about 10 years
by Jakob.-
ago about 10 years
by Androviel
ago over 10 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 10 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 10 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 10 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 10 years
by Vanquish081
ago over 9 years -
by Mirozed
ago almost 10 years -
by Vanquish081
ago over 9 years -
by Androviel
ago over 10 years -
by jaegerhoftv
ago over 10 years
15 Comments for AutoTractor
The script does not work.
all new buttons are with l10n missing
This mod has always been a great friend for working on the field. I downloaded the newest version, but found two issues. When using the Horsch Ponto 9SW, the helper doesn't turn when in straight lines. In circles he gets a bit lost. Also the Amazone Pantera sprayer doesn't accept the helper at all. So I am forced to go back to v2.0. Hope these issues get addressed in the next version, otherwise. Still a great job. Love your work.
could you make a upd for 1.4.2 and ensure that the change could have the keys because did not see them in the FS15 command options. Key 5 and 6 are used for many other mods
thank you
(Google translation fr>en)
Can you make auto tractor 2.1 as Farming simulator 15 is now at patch 1.4 and this mod wont work now
Can you make a auto tractor 2.1 as Farming simulator 15 is now at patch 1.4 and this mod wont work now please update
To fix the "missing" errors add the following to your language version of the modDesc_l10n_xx.xml file:
E.g. for English in modDesc_l10n_en.xml I would add:
In the "<!--AutoTractor helpPanel text-->" section:
<text name="AUTO_TRACTOR_STEER_RAISE" text="raise implement"/>
<text name="AUTO_TRACTOR_STEER_LOWER" text="lower implement"/>
In the "<!--AutoTractor inputbinding text-->" section:
<text name="AUTO_TRACTOR_RAISE" text="raise"/>
good day, you can not do a new version of autotrator ????
This mod is not without problems
It overlaps terribly, A 15m cultivator will be using 10 m and it nearly always struggles to find where to start when it turns round in 'up and down' mode
Version 1.6 kills my frames when running, v1.5 did not
Very starnge, when i engage the mod my FPS drop from 50-60 right down to under 20. Then as soon as i turn it off the FPS resumes at 50-60
Dont have same problem with autocombine
It's not wanting to take a full swath with the implement now.
With 2 tractors running my FPS goes from 50+ down to the teens now. Thanks for all your hard work. Might go back to 1.5 time being if I still have it around somewhere.
well all mine does is drive around i circles. am i doing something wrong?
This mod is great. But there are times where the auto tractor makes my helper act like he is drunk. Either he goes to the extreme right/left, instead of goes straight forward. Often he starts to make half circles in fields, instead of going in a straight line. It's a bit annoying. Hope the next version will solve this issue.
Diese mod ist groß. Aber es Zeiten gibt, wo der Auto Traktor mein Helfer handeln macht, wie er betrunken ist. Entweder er geht bis zum äußersten rechten/linken, statt geht geradeaus weiter. Er beginnt oft Halbkreise in Felder, anstatt in einer geraden Linie zu machen. Es ist ein bisschen ärgerlich. Hoffe, dass die nächste Version dieses Problem gelöst wird.
It doesn't seem to work for me.
I tested it with only AutoTractor in the mods folder.
Tractor + fertilizer spreader and tractor + seeder.
Both of them just stands still. They turn on the implement, but they don't move.
Any ideas?