
V 1.5 Beta mod for Farming Simulator 19

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The VehicleInspector should give you a quick overview of your vehicles. What do they / what they have loaded / which are active etc. etc.

In multiplayer and single player games.

This is a Simple Convert version from my VehicleInspector 1.3 in LS17

!! Not everything works yet and not everything is unlocked !!

The mod also uses the LS19 own query the same s ... as in LS17.

XML Settings File for Mod:

... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml <-------


New: rebootXmlESC value in XML File

If rebootXmlESC is true, you can change all Life Update data in the XML file in the XML file if you press 1xESC and leave once again. When you have completed your test phase, you should set the rebootXmlESC to false to avoid unnecessary script tasks / calls. If you set something wrong or miss something, you may get error messages in LOG.TXT

ColorCode Description: Click here

New or activated (XML Values):

  1. isFillFull (1.46 or higher)(showVehicle) is FillLevel Full (100%)
  2. isFillLevel (1.46 or higher)(showVehicle) is FillLevel (1-100%)
  3. isInGameMapOn (1.48 or higher)(showMod)
  4. isInGameMapOff (1.48 or higher)(showMod)
  5. posDown (1.47 or higher)(showMod) set VI under/over InGameMap
  6. seeFieldNumber (1.48 or higher)(showTxtOr) !! Attention Performance !!
  7. seePlayerFirst (1.48 or higher)(showTxtOr)
  8. seeHelperFirst (1.48 or higher)(showTxtOr)
  9. seeHelperName (1.48 or higher)(showTxtOr) (user wish,for HiredHelperTool Mod)
  10. isBackground (1.48 or higher)(colors) VI Background Color Values RGBA
  11. seeBackground (1.48 or higher)(colors) BackgroundColor ON/OFF
  12. resetPoY (1.48 or higher)(gobal) is VI frozen under HelpMenu can fix
  13. isTest (1.49 or higher)(NO_SUPPORT_TEST) Vehicle Select/Join see info

Not active (XML Values):

  1. isInGameMapOn (1.46)
  2. isInGameMapOff (1.46)


The variety of vehicle trailers etc. makes it impossible to test everything and every constellation. That's why BETA and that's why a modder needs bug reports

Bug Reports for current Version: Fix Check Not Reproducible Info


  • Incompatible with VehicleFruitHud 0.4 (Thx for Report)
  • ..


No more and no less


And if you do not like it should not load it :-)


1.Publication only with original download link. NO replacement link

2. Altering and re-uploading is not permitted



Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser
Tester: HappyLooser
Sonstige: HappyLooser

  • 10 Mar 14:37
    Version 1.5 Beta

    *Fix searchInvertColorByVehicleTypeName XML(not loaded)
    *Fix seeFillLevel XML(not loaded)
    *Fix careScale (cleanliness Horse %)
    *Fix Diverses

    *New optional Support for ParkingVehicle Mod (see XML Settings )

  • 20 Dec 22:03
    Version 1.49 Beta

    *Update inGameMapOn/inGameMapOff activated(showMod)
    *Fix separator(+) helper/separator/playerName,
    *Fix frozen Vi (with VehicleFruitHud Mod schemaPos new over rebootXmlESC) see restPosY(global)
    *Fix isSpeed and useMiles
    *Fix isBlocking at MP Game
    *New seeFieldNumber (showTxtOr) !attention performance!
    *New seePlayerFirst (showTxtOr) see Player first (PRIO HIGH)
    *New seeHelperFirst (showTxtOr) see Helper first (PRIO LOW)
    *New seeHelperName (showTxtOr) user wish for HiredHelperTool Mod
    *New posDown (showMod) set VI under/over MiniMap
    *New seeBackground (colors) see Background Color
    *New isBackground (colors) set Background Color
    *New resetPosY (global) set Default PosY for frozen VI !can fix!
    *Test isTest (NO_SUPPORT_TEST) selectVehicle/JoinVehicle/VI Modus !attention see info text!

  • 14 Dec 22:00
    Version 1.47 Beta

    *Fix seeField with seePlayerName (playerName not see)
    *Fix Horse DaysRiding MP

    *New isFillLevel (Xml) see all Vehicle with FillLevel 1-100%
    *New isFillFull (Xml) see all Vehicle with FillLevel 100%
    *New maxFillNameLength (Xml) Sugarbeet ---> Sugarb..
    *New maxVehicleNameLength (Xml) Favorit 500 ---> Favor..

  • 10 Dec 09:31
    Version 1.45 Beta

    *Fix Horse Error
    *Fix otherSaFull Txt separator
    *Fix Performenc
    *Fix showHelpOn and showHelpOff true(Display frozen)
    *Fix attachedLimit at Xml
    *Fix Diverses

    *NEW XML Structure (old xml save directory) !! New Values and Txt !! EDIT NEW PLS
    *New all colorValues at Xml (optional)
    *New ownVehicle (optional)
    *New Horse Full Optionen (optional)
    *New isHorsePlayer + Txt (optional)
    *New isLeasing + Txt (optional)
    *New showHelpOn/Off and inputEmpty (optional)
    *New ownPosition Simple (optinal) -see !! Attention at XML !!

  • 04 Dec 16:11
    Version 1.4 Beta


04.12 2018
Modhoster user rating
4.77 / 300 Votes


nach 360 Stimmen

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V 1.5 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
37.4 KB 47466
10. 03 2019 47,466
V 1.49 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
36.7 KB 15270
20. 12 2018 15,270
V 1.47 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
33.3 KB 8062
14. 12 2018 8,062
2 ältere Versionen

28 Comments for VehicleInspector

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  1. Bandes 27. 11 2021

    Moin, wie kann ich den Schwarzen Hintergrund dunkler machen ?
    Danke für den Mod

    1 replies

  2. Achimobil 29. 08 2021

    Wie kann ich die Anzeige bei ausgeblendetem Hilfemenü tiefer setzen?
    Dafür sollte downPosX und downPosY sein, die funktionieren aber nicht.
    So überlagert sich das immer mit anderen HUD Mods.
    Wird es hier noch ein Update geben oder bekomme ich die Freigabe das selbst zu reparieren und neu zu veröffentlichen?

    1 replies

  3. Thunder2529 01. 04 2021

    Hallo HappyLooser,
    ein toller Mod und auch von mir 5 Sterne und ein fettes DANKE an Dich!
    Ich benutze den Mod jetzt schon eine ganze Weile und war auch schon im 17ner stark begeistert davon.

    Was ich jedoch einfach nicht raffe ist das mit der Farbzuteilung.
    Die Selbstfahrspritzen(z.B. Rubicon9000,Imperador) zeigt alles richtig an (voll--->grün,rot--->leer)
    Bei dem Düngerstreuer (z.B.Bredal K165) ist alles verkehrt herum (voll--->rot, grün bzw.weiß--->leer)
    ....und bei den Sähmaschinen (z.B.Horsch Pronto, Väderstad usw.) bleibt die Anzeige komplett auf weiß. Kann man das irgendwie ändern?

    1 replies

  4. Toomi 29. 12 2020

    Die mod hat immer super funktioniert, dann plötzlich nicht mehr.
    Im log kommt:
    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    mods/VehicleInspector/VehicleInspector.lua:322: attempt to call field 'getControllerName' (a nil value).
    Spielen auf der Bergisch Land map, auf Felsbrunn funktioniert er (auf Bergisch Land anfangs auch).

    1 replies

  5. supertramper 29. 10 2020

    Hallo lieber Modder

    wie bzw wo kann ich die Schrift größer stellen bei Vehicleinspector bitte ? Toller Mod aber für meine Augen etwas zu klein die Schrift :-(


    1 replies

  6. Bandes 22. 09 2020

    Aber wir haben mit dem MOD voll die FPS Verluste
    Schade der Mod war Top

    1 replies

    1. HappyLooser 26. 09 2020

      Das liegt aber nicht am Mod,weil es ein Client Mod ist,die Daten werden nur vom Spieler Rechner abgerufen und nicht von den anderen Spielern oder so.
      Deshalb solltet ihr mal alle Mods entfernen und dann nur den VI nutzen und dann einen Mod nachdem anderen rein holen,dann findet ihr auch den Übeltäter

      1 replies

  7. Bandes 07. 08 2020

    Hallo HappyLooser
    gibts noch updates, wenn wir deinen Mod nutzen auf einen Dedi, verlieren wir die Verbindung.
    In der Log steht nichts
    Gibts noch updates?
    Gruß Bandes
    Und danke

    2 replies

  8. Bandes 19. 07 2020

    Hey danke für den MOD
    wird es noch updates geben ?

    1 replies

  9. punzi01 20. 06 2020

    kann man den inspector auch ausblenden

    1 replies

  10. Iab1972 12. 03 2020

    Hi how i can change the position to down because there is a mod in the ModHup called info message and it's affect with it .

    1 replies

  11. joshmiller83 05. 02 2019

    How do I use local names for fruits?

    Maize = Corn
    grass_windrow = Grass
    drygrass_windrow = Hay

    1 replies

  12. JacerShepherd 03. 02 2019

    Bug Report: items in the mod folder are the map and this V1.49 file; so this is not a conflict with another mod; REPEATABLE; using XBOX 360 Controller on PC right thumbstick; Lose ability to look left/right; WHEN: in tractor with front loader with another attachment (bucket or fork). I can look left/right when I get in the tractor. The instant I use the front loader, I lose the ability to look left/right. I get out of the tractor, get back in, I can look again; until I use the front loader. -Thanks

    1 replies

  13. PaleHorse 23. 01 2019

    Thanks for the mod. Is it possible to change the order of the information? For example, first Player Name, then Vehicle, then Speed.

    1 replies

  14. Sully9663 21. 01 2019

    Love your mod. Would it be possible to allow user to change the font size. My old eves have a hard time reading the small font/

    1 replies

  15. wackoamd1 15. 01 2019

    can it show the other players on a server , am i missing a setting or is it not in yet.
    still a great mod , just wondering if i have to enable it in the xml.
    thanks in advance

    1 replies

  16. wackoamd1 14. 01 2019

    great mod , but would is it possible to show the attachment names in the bar?

    1 replies

  17. Kamaka 30. 12 2018

    Love the mod, but some of the fruits are using a color scale which is opposite of the others. Some show the vehicle as red when full and some show green when full. Also is there a setting I can adjust in the xml to bump up the font size slightly?

    1 replies

  18. jenksy 24. 12 2018

    1 star until u put file back on modhoster

  19. jenksy 24. 12 2018

    Why hide mod behind time wasting capthca?

  20. Great mod Thank you. Latest version works well and setting up the .xml is fairly simple.

    A suggestion would be to add a minimal description to the .xml settings so it is easier to see what line you are looking to change (something along the line of [changes the text size] etc.). This may help some people when it comes to editing the file.
