MORIOR INVICTUS Zweihander skin

V 1.0.1 mod for MORDHAU

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As a request/suggestion on Discord, this mod adds glowing letters to the Big Blade of default Zweihander skin, also makes the blade darker and a bit more metallic. Since there is atleast 2 weapons/skins in the vanilla game(deo volente longsword and kickstarter longsword) that have latin writing on the blades, I put MORIOR INVICTUS on the 2 sides of the blade, its meaning is "I die undefeated/death before defeat".

This mod does not install automatically by subcribing to it, to install it you need to extract it to the same place where your mordhau installation is located in. How to do it you can check out this guide -

Important - To fix the lighting artifacts you might see from the glowing letters you open DefaultScalability with notepad located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mordhau\Mordhau\Config and change the value for the four LensFlareQuality's to 0, when just doing this in the mordhau game settings and unchecking lens flare it only changes LensFlareQuality to 0 for PostProcessQuality@0, there is PostProcessQuality@0 -4 this removes all lens flares in game, so any torches you see and or the sun will not have lens flares. - Thx to Galxey @

Note from moderation : we have converted this mod to the new and necessary .pak format.


  • 15 Jul 01:43
    Version 1.0.1

    Conversion to .pak format


25.09 2019
Modhoster user rating
4.0 / 1 Votes


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Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von MORDHAU installiert.
144 KB 146793

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