trailers, dollys and containers

V mod for Cattle and Crops

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very important delete folders silage trailers, krampe, hkl and containers, Annaburg, kroger trailers not compatible with new


Model: xyzspain
Texture: xyzspain
Script: xyzspain and MBB
Idea / Concept: xyzspain
Testing: xyzspain

  • 29 Jun 23:00

    special edition with color selection

  • 05 Apr 12:53

    Full version of trailers( of course delete all previous versions)
    added particles to the wheels
    scripts revision and hydraulics changes on some models
    vacutank already works in AI and the other model already has attach for male discharge type attachments and three points; The low rear discharge is possible also when the male discharge is connected (possible since they have different valves unlike the slurry tank that it does not have), in AI mode and in manual mode it is the same both automatically change the indicator to rear discharge (in this mode is also possible to download through the arm).
    Known Bugs
    Work Mode pump Indicator Failure When Canceling an Active Job to Reset Enable / Disable Transport
    Some implements when entering transport mode can activate or deactivate the work pump mode indicator (pending revision in kverneland implements)
    As in other combinations from level three, it is not possible to perform the attach / dettach through the cab control, so be careful not to dettach the HKL since if this happens, the HKL connection is blocked to the tractor (simulation engine error, to solve it you have to create a transport task and then cancel it)

    as always the running scripts can be improved a lot but for now it is what there is.
    Surely this model and others that have the possibility of being improved will be separated from the trailer file in the future)

  • 22 Mar 07:59

    eliminate dirt albedo and normal dirt since when changing MBB the blend textures of add to multiply the models seemed camouflage
    add attacher key truc and cont

    slurry trailer
    eliminated mod fake tanks for trailers
    As seen in the screenshot, the new emptying or loading script has only been added when there is a point to connect to, that is, fixed or mobile stations all liquids.
    now it has two discharge points according to the implement that is connected and in the emptying the script executes a partial dettach to be able to connect the hose
    the pump already has sound and also a control because in some case it stays working without being necessary
    the implements control the start of the pump thanks to the fact that orders can now be sent to the parents
    Slurry transport trailers can also load and unload at mobile and fixed stations all liquids

    note: trailers that carry liquids or solids have no product limitation, therefore, if they are active near a place of loading of diessel, for example, they can be activated if they are dettached.

  • 11 Feb 16:09
    Version revised

    changes in the attach the key has been removed so that the game can be saved and loaded correctly
    changes in fillMesh already works correctly again
    order of the containers to the trailers in the activated discharge although it is only functional in the Scania HKL, the others will be effective after update 095
    review of textures on wheels and new additions in several trailers

  • 04 Jan 21:55

    WLD and minor files changed. This update is complementary only change , scripts ,fillMeshs so it is necessary to have downloaded the previous version

  • 22 Dec 18:14
    Version 0.9


    changes in all HKL

    big body 750 overload can now be downloaded onto other objects and can also be left ready to operate the battery auger when it is dettached and added tarp and grid


    changes in all HKL

    TMR 34 overload can now be downloaded onto other objects and can also be left ready to operate the battery auger when it is dettached
    added water tank ,box and wheel choks support

    Container trailer for trucks

    new model based on videos of the network the way of working is the same as the generic only adds the download function and is much more beautiful

    Slurry trailer

    6 new models that are 3 with different colors each group has its own functions and includes some generic as more important is the container that includes everything from the others and also has an articulated arm that for now is quite limited by the lack of in-game compatibilities

    Silage trailers

    changes in fill mesh has been included the last of hawe 0.9

  • 01 Oct 09:38
    Version 0.6.2

    - overload model for two trailers (for the moment not dymanic fill mesh displacement and others scripts funcionality not finished see in the forum)
    - slurry trailer modified from game not branded and two implements with more functions ( see in the forum to understand how it works since, like other models, it still uses a fake tank to work)
    - support for all fertilizers in all models that have this possibility
    - radial menu on all models
    - deleted quick actions (it is possible change from game settings)
    -support for user actions in all attachements
    - change in scripts containers
    - change textures in fill mesh
    - change tank controllers

  • 10 Mar 10:56


10.03 2019
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6 Comments for trailers, dollys and containers

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  1. drewCZ 28. 02 2021

    Please works it with latest version ? Thx ticho

  2. BMWKesel 26. 08 2020

    where are the folders that I have to delete?

  3. thejoker1976 27. 01 2020

    Is not recognized by me from the game
    Normally the zip inserts into the mod folder

  4. xyzspain 01. 10 2019

    thanks for the comment
    The problem of the letters and others do not occur when the models are decompressed I think it is a condition of the zip format (I recommend using them decompressed since it is very easy to use the editor and in this way you can customize the models since most of them have of several colors I hope that MBB explains at some point the use of the modifier 'set material' I think it is important to be free in the choice of colors

  5. FarmerGiles 12. 09 2019

    Hi xyzSpain. on one of these trailers the Annaburger fieldLiner when going to farm silo or even the bga silo not all of the trailer will empty out. This is on A1 mode. it empty most but then stops with some more left in trailer. only way of emptying it all is to drive back then forwards again. as A1 wont carry on if its not empty. I have not tried other trailers yet

  6. Hello XYZspain, I found out that the Slurry Tank can't buy. Also you see no model when press the button in the shop. With the new update slurry and co. is more important and we need it in higher amounts.

    I change the line "<model file="Slurry_tanker" />" in "<model file="slurry_tanker" />" in the "generic_slurry_tanker.xml" file. Then it works fine. Maybe you can update that in the next Version. As quick solution everybody can change this with an editor.

    It's a nice package and thanks a lot. Please go on with it. With best regards
