The roller comes in 3 sizes: 1.5t / 3.0t / 9.0t (small / medium / big) and 5 colors each: Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange and Red.
With the roller, silo or the soil can be compacted, if you suddenly realize after working the field: that was one working step too much, or the cultivator was too good, or even the seeder. This is no longer a problem. Simply compact the field a little with a roller and the density values of the field are again suitable for optimum plant growth. The roller does not destroy any fruit! But be careful, it always rolls. Shortcuts across the fields should not be done.
The roller was a simple learning object for me to discover and learn some more features of CnC. So it was kept simple from the start. Sometimes it doesn't want to be coupled (the trigger icon stays red), that's because of the low lying train mouth and CnC refuses. My current solutions: a) reverse and then slowly move away from it, then the trigger symbol usually turns white. b) reverse until collision, then it sometimes works. Or c) Recover via CnC menu, then the roll is placed again.
The installation of a foot was not planned so far, if necessary I still think about it.
Modell: Pebcak
Textur: Pebcak
Script: n/a
Idee / Konzept: IltisFaun/Pebcak
Tester: Pebcak
09 Jul 21:18Version 1.0 for CnC
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