Disentis3000 - the map

V 0.5.1617 mod for Ski-Region-Simulator 2012

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We presents the betaversion of Disentis3000 - the map. After 9 month, a betaversion can be released and it is also the first original skiarea for the skiregion simulator 2012.




In the betaversion aren`t all lifts ans pists avaiable, but the player has 5 lifts, whit full function, and the pists for this lift. For fun by playing is looked.




- An original ski area (it worthwile to look to the compares in "Die Map" on the webseite)


- 35km slopes (in the betaversion)




Equipment of the original ski area:


1x Leitwolf from Prinoth winch (not avaiable as standard machine)


2x Prinoth Everest winch (int the betaversion whitout a winch)


1x Pistenbully 400 solo (standard machine)


1x Techno Alpin T40 (as standard machine in the beta)


1x Bächler SnoTek Lanze (avaiable)


1x Lizard Schneemobil (standard machine)




Several machines for the ski meadow Sax  (not avaiable in the beta)






Bächler Top Track Lanzenpack   zur Downloadseite


Prinoth Everest of Alpin 3D Design   zur Downloadseite


Techno Alpin Pack of Alpin 3D Design   zur Downloadseite


DLC1 Pack of Giants Software






- Sevi/Tarzan ("owner" of Disentis3000 - the map, complete realization)


- LSBrandi (smaler works)

- Bergbahnen Disentis3000: thank you very much for your support!



- Sevi/Tarzan ("Inhaber" von Disentis3000 - Die Map, komplette Umsetzung des Projektes.

- LSBrandi (kleinere Arbeiten)

- Bergbahnen Disentis3000: Vielen Dank für die Genehmigung und Unterstützung dieses Projektes!

  • 17 Dec 12:43
    Version 0.5.1617


checksum: e9589240aa668fc603df2427b7079795
Version: 0.5.1617
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Sevi/Tarzan
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Disentis3000
description in shop: Es freut uns, Sie in unserem Skigebiet begrüssen zu dürfen und wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Tag!

17.12 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.0 / 3 Votes


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V 0.5.1617
Ski-Region-Simulator 2012
148 MB 5069
17. 12 2016 5,069

2 Comments for Disentis3000 - the map

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  1. HammarfaLL 27. 12 2016

    And the wings on the tiller should have different keys so that you can lower or lift them one at a time. Id also love if you could take a 600 and 400 blade and do kind of the same thing. The "wings" of the blade, i also want to be able to control one at a time. Thank you

  2. HammarfaLL 27. 12 2016

    Then you must be a quite good moder right? I need you to fix 4 mods, that i know a lot of players would love! I need you to take the tillers from Prinoth Leitwolf (the black and red one), and also the tillers from Pistenbully 600 polar and 400 park. Now i would love it if you could add some controls to these tillers. 1. I want to be able to lower and lift the "wings" on the tillers,. 2. I want to be able to turn them on and off. 3 . I want to be able to lift and lower the tillers manually, like one button for up and on button for down, so i can choose how high or low the tillers will be. Now the most important thing is the wings and on and off function. The 4th mod is a snowcat, id prefer a Leitwolf, in which you can adjust speed of the tiller, how deep its cutting and tiller pressure. This doenst have to work its enough with gauges inside on the screen that shows these 3 thigs, and that you can adjust it. Also i want the bands to leave marks in the snow. I would so love these features!! I can pay you 50 euros when the mods are finished and ive tested them. Thank you

    1 replies
