
V 2 mod for Ski-Region-Simulator 2012

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A small map with 3 lifts and 3 slopes that connect 2 villages! The airwaves drag lift and other mods from ls 2011 are also installed! :)

Blockhaus by Schwabenmodding

Edeka by Mark

Barrels by Chefkoch_ls2011

Firefighters by Wildfuchs

Inn by Trixi

Shelf by Mod-for-all

T-bar lift by airwaves

Barriers by Repi

Ski hut Uncle Willy by lsbrandi

Stadel by Südtirolerbauer

Gas station shepp001

Tunnel by Gorgona

Shelter by fendt 412

Shelter by SRS Mods


Giants software

You need the John Deere 6930 map door trigger for the fire station

Have fun! :)


Idee / Konzept: pb600wpolar

  • 06 Mar 10:22
    Version 2

    Eine weitere Seilbahn,2 pisten,Speicherteich und andere kleine Details!

  • 05 Feb 18:07
    Version Map Samersberg


05.02 2020
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V Map Samersberg
Ski-Region-Simulator 2012
149 MB 1191
05. 02 2020 1,191
V 2
Ski-Region-Simulator 2012
149 MB 1056
06. 03 2021 1,056

3 Comments for Samerberg

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  1. MoonDragon 13. 03 2021

    Version 2: I've been waiting for an update and it's finally here: I liked this map right away. In this version there are new things and many bug-fixes. Solved the parking problem, improved the trees (even the cut logs under the cable cars), avalanche palisades. In general there is more attention to detail. Good initial vehicles.
    There is a reservoir for the cannons, an impressive bridge leading to the castle (I would put a tourist sign on the road). The rescue and delivery missions work. Nice layout of the gnomes on the deck chairs.
    - Put barriers or create a traffic circle at the end of the road after the tunnel, otherwise it rushes off the map.
    - Small graphic problem on the cannon garage: if you look at the window from outside, on the high edge you see the sky.
    - Add sign, after tunnel, on the turn to black track plant 5.
    I have some ideas to redevelop the big lake area, in case I can help you with 3D I use SketchUp. (if you want I'll tell you in private)

  2. MoonDragon 26. 07 2020

    I forgot to tell you:
    1) In the game logs I find this error repeated: /My Games/SkiRegionSimulator2012/mods/Samersberg/map01/paths/trafficPaths.i3d was deleted
    2) It snows inside the garages, and under the canopies, should be avoided.

  3. MoonDragon 26. 07 2020

    Hi, I like your map and how you've arranged things.
    I have a little problem, I'll explain:
    1) I downloaded the latest version of Alpine3D's snow manager, and I used it on your map.
    2) I went to clean with salt the parking lot I bought, I see it's all clean, unfortunately they keep calling me to clean it.
    I don't know if the problem is with the map or the snow manager.
    Do you know how to help me?
