V 1.0 mod for Ski-Region-Simulator 2012

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DonChris and Tobias present:




BLIZZARD multifunction device










The BLIZZARD is a universal Antriebsmaschiene on crawler tracks.


Whether walkways clear, befräsen lift tracks with snow or transport of euro-pallets because where it is narrow and präzieses work is necessary, the BLIZZARD is essential.








The mod has been created on the basis of mods of Gorli / spider100.


Thanks for approval!
















- Coupling of front attachments


- Work light (key NumPad4)


- Cruise control










The BLIZZARD comes close to the driving behavior of a snowblower much.




The drive is set at a realistic speed for this Maschiene and designed for the use of cruise control.


So it is recommended to use this Maschiene with the cruise control buttons.




Tempo 1: Slow 1 Km / h - only straight (präzieses for working in confined spaces and präziesem use of snow ejection)




Tempo 2: Average 3-4 Km / h - straight and light curves (präzieses for working in confined spaces and präziesem use of snow ejection)




Tempo 3: Fast 7 Km / h - straight, curves and 180 ° turn (for infrastructure between different locations and 180 ° turn)






As in reality, it takes some practice to operate this Maschiene can.














- Front spin




- dozer blade






Optional accessories:




- Pallet Fork




- Salt range




NOTE: The optional accessories are not part of this Pack's! Pallet fork and pallet are in the "Accessories Pack for PB100 service" included.














The BLIZZARD comes bundled as ModPack and the file must be UNPACK first!



Instructions for unpacking: here




Information and support:

DonChris - Homepage


May not be changed or re-uploaded!

It is not allowed to reedit or upload the files again!



  Have fun!



  • 29 Jan 15:57
    Version 1.0


29.01 2015
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 3 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Ski-Region-Simulator 2012
9.72 MB 2993
29. 01 2015 2,993

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