Claas Xerion 3800

V 1 (Schneeskin, Schneeketten und neuer Sound) mod for Ski-Region-Simulator 2012

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A Claas Xerion 3800 with a Schneeskin, snow chains and a new sound

Special features:
Snow chains
-Pivoting cab -> Ideal for snow removal
-Reversible steering

Schneeskin Jonas
Snow chains: Dominator 26 and Klaner
Sound: Dominator 26




Schneeskin: Jonas
Schneeketten: Dominator 26 und Klaner
Sound: Dominator 26

  • 06 Dec 16:18
    Version 1 (Schneeskin, Schneeketten und neuer Sound)


checksum: 58534e13f86678e1fe5d7038b3ff3f87
Version: 1 (Schneeskin, Schneeketten und neuer Sound)
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Schneeskin:Jonas Ketten:DOminator26
price in shop: 256990000 LS
name in shop: CLAAS Xerion 3800 Winteredition by Jonas
description in shop: Schneeskin: Jonas l Ketten:Dominator26
Urmodell: KsatriaHU l LS11 by Agestar and Repi
Scriptanpassungen: Repi Umbau: Andy W
Scripte: SFM Modding, Sven777b, sven18koehler

06.12 2011
Modhoster user rating
3.31 / 13 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1 (Schneeskin, Schneeketten und neuer...
Ski-Region-Simulator 2012
16.5 MB 17721
06. 12 2011 17,721

1 Comments for Claas Xerion 3800

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  1. Linde 12 07. 12 2011

    no loaden zu teuer.unrealistischer preis

    1 replies
