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Agricultural Peninsula
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over 6 years
MAN TGS 6x6/8x8 with HVAC System
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over 7 years
Case Steiger
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over 6 years
Great Country
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about 7 years
südharz Map
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about 7 years
Porta Westfalica
Big Maps
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almost 7 years
featured Agricultural Peninsula
v 3.1 Light34 Downloads today21,304 Downloads total182 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Fri, 09 Nov 2018 18:13:51 GMT in - MapsThe map is fictitious, and equipped for single players with helper friendliness.
featured MAN TGS 6x6/8x8 with HVAC System
v 628 Downloads today54,345 Downloads total77 commentsUser rating121 said thankspublished Sun, 16 Jul 2017 11:28:07 GMT in - MANMAN TGS 8x8 with the HVAC system (ITRunner)
featured Case Steiger
v 8 (final 2.0)21 Downloads today13,265 Downloads total22 commentsUser rating37 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Sep 2018 20:41:48 GMT in - CaseCase Steiger/Quadtrac, based on the ingame Case Quadtrac model
featured Great Country
v 1.1220 Downloads today43,160 Downloads total454 commentsUser rating164 said thankspublished Sat, 03 Feb 2018 14:52:48 GMT in - MapsHi this is my first map for the LS 17. Great Country has 21 fields from 2.5 ha to 23.5 ha, one of which is already in your possession. It is chopped straw installed. Now a small listing of the built...
featured südharz Map
v 1.3.2 (mit Seasons)19 Downloads today38,614 Downloads total252 commentsUser rating77 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Jan 2018 20:21:09 GMT in - Big MapsHello dear LS fans, Many will know my south resin map already from LS13 & LS15, now it is finally also available for LS17! 6 months work I put into the map to make them LS17 ready and above all...
featured Porta Westfalica
v 6.118 Downloads today54,303 Downloads total870 commentsUser rating200 said thankspublished Fri, 27 Apr 2018 16:14:52 GMT in - Big MapsWelcome to the Weserbergland around the Porta Westfalica. You have acquired a large court at the foot of the Wiehengebirge, which you want to bring back to old flower. If you want to play the LS 17...
featured Altkirch in Alsace
v 3.118 Downloads today26,898 Downloads total410 commentsUser rating121 said thankspublished Sat, 26 May 2018 07:06:20 GMT in - Big MapsThe map recreates a landscape in Alsace around the town of Altkirch. In addition to the city of Altkirch, there are the villages Aspach, Carspach, Ballerdsdorf and Dannemarie. The farm is located in...
featured North Frisian march 4-fold map
v 2.117 Downloads today136,398 Downloads total1175 commentsUser rating231 said thankspublished Sun, 12 Aug 2018 07:02:45 GMT in - Big MapsNorth Frisian march 4-fold map Moin moin people, after a long construction time, it is finally time and I publish the first version of the 4-fold map. North German landscape with 45 fields and 16...
Giants Elite
v 3.2 ohne schlamm16 Downloads today14,377 Downloads total71 commentsUser rating36 said thankspublished Mon, 19 Feb 2018 10:19:21 GMT in - Big MapsThe map was rebuilt from scratch, there are about 800 hours of work in the map. The map consists of four maps: - LS2009 - LS2011 - LS2013 - LS2015. The complete map was on the newest
featured ModStudio17
v 1.1316 Downloads today11,398 Downloads total60 commentsUser rating69 said thankspublished Wed, 09 Aug 2017 22:52:08 GMT in - ToolsDescription READ TO AVOID ERRORS! After a small but fine delay, ModStudio17 finally comes to the download. In the first version unfortunately with less functions than announced...
featured Somewhere in nowhere
v 1.3 Finale16 Downloads today23,209 Downloads total128 commentsUser rating78 said thankspublished Sun, 25 Feb 2018 09:36:50 GMT in - MapsHello farmers, Here I present my map "Somewhere In Nowhere". Welcome to Somewhere in Nowhere. The railing is very demanding and partly very narrow. All standard items of Ls17 were installed...
featured Südhemmern
v Xtra Bonus V 16.116 Downloads today234,803 Downloads total3826 commentsUser rating740 said thankspublished Mon, 02 Jul 2018 08:40:39 GMT in - MapsJust in time for Nicholas I would like to publish the first version of Südhemmern-Map from the LS 15 for the LS 17 and hope I can one or the other player to make a little treat. Due to the extensive...
featured Scania V8 hook lift with rail trailer
v Downloads today19,995 Downloads total31 commentsUser rating17 said thankspublished Sun, 13 May 2018 18:53:59 GMT in - ScaniaScania Topline, he has to be top!
featured VehicleSort
v Downloads today24,732 Downloads total79 commentsUser rating69 said thankspublished Sun, 11 Feb 2018 09:58:44 GMT in - ScriptsCustomize the order in which your vehicles are chosen when using the tab-key or switch by navigating through a list.
featured Horsch Tiger 10 LT
v 2.2 Reiner Grubber auf Useranfrage15 Downloads today14,643 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating80 said thankspublished Sat, 31 Dec 2016 01:15:43 GMT in - Cultivators & HarrowsMP ready Horsch Tiger 10 LT with plough and cultivator function and fixed helper
featured NewHolland_T8_Tuning
v 1.314 Downloads today9,334 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating47 said thankspublished Sun, 11 Feb 2018 12:40:08 GMT in - New HollandSince before the holidays is a little quieter in the shop now, I sat down again on a project. I had a standing T8 with engine trouble here. The driver has been connected with 60t hintendran in the...
featured MultiOverlayV2 Hud LS17 Convert
v 2.982 Beta14 Downloads today23,061 Downloads total293 commentsUser rating388 said thankspublished Mon, 02 Jul 2018 08:38:44 GMT in - ScriptsMultiOverlayV2 Hud LS17 Convert
featured STEYR Plus 760 2WD
v STEYR_Plus_760_768_V214 Downloads today16,392 Downloads total31 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Fri, 05 May 2017 13:27:29 GMT in - SteyrSo, nun ist es endlich soweit, das lange warten hat ein Ende :) Hier stellen wir euch den Steyr Plus 760 vor, basierend auf dem 545 Plus Modell von DeutzAgroxtra, umgebaut und LS17 ready von uns...
featured Krone Turbo 2500
v 3.014 Downloads today13,379 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:27:44 GMT in - Forage WagonsSingle-axle loader wagon "Krone Turbo 2500", year of construction: 1991
featured Allrounder
v 2.114 Downloads today24,754 Downloads total47 commentsUser rating65 said thankspublished Mon, 08 Jan 2018 22:32:21 GMT in - PloughsHave the original all-rounder once taught plowing