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Category Forage Wagons
Lely Tigo XR100D
Forage Wagons
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over 8 years
MapCleaner Hirschfeld (AntiReal)
Forage Wagons
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almost 6 years
Bergmann Royal 28s
Forage Wagons
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over 13 years
Krone ZX450GD
Forage Wagons
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about 8 years
Krone ZX550GD
Forage Wagons
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about 8 years
Poettinger Boss L 28T
Forage Wagons
Downloads today
about 11 years
featured MapCleaner Hirschfeld (AntiReal)
v - jetzt geht alles rein!2 Downloads today12,515 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating68 said thankspublished Wed, 08 May 2019 13:51:25 GMT in - Forage WagonsWho has not ever been upset about the fact that small straw, grass and hay rests are lying around everywhere on the map. This is now a thing of the past because MapCleaner cleans up the map.
featured Krone Turbo 2500
v 3.01 Downloads today13,360 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:27:44 GMT in - Forage WagonsSingle-axle loader wagon "Krone Turbo 2500", year of construction: 1991
featured Pottinger Europrofi 5000
v 1.00 Downloads today8,402 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating43 said thankspublished Fri, 21 Sep 2018 07:36:26 GMT in - Forage WagonsDescription: - Fully washable - Dynamic hoses - Sounds works - Lighting, turn signals - Shiny texture - Moving parts work - Animated PTO - dust from the wheels - Dust animations - Log is clean...
featured Krone Turbo 3500
v 1.20 Downloads today11,716 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating45 said thankspublished Sun, 04 Jun 2017 16:54:40 GMT in - Forage WagonsHey everyone, Here is a Krone Turbo 3500, and although the conversion of ST-modding. (I have permission from them.) The trailer will cost € 16,000. The daily maintenance costs 20 €. Laden, the...
featured FS17_FENDT_XR100K
v 1.20 Downloads today11,855 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating27 said thankspublished Sat, 11 Mar 2017 17:08:26 GMT in - Forage WagonsFS17_FENDT_XR100K
featured Krone ZX550GD
v Downloads today52,779 Downloads total29 commentsUser rating119 said thankspublished Thu, 05 Jan 2017 15:48:40 GMT in - Forage WagonsHere I have for you the crown ZX550GD. It is a umgeskinnten Strautmann. It can be purchased, other tires, and an additional rotating beacon. Furthermore, it is available with top boards. Loading...
featured Krone ZX450GD
v Downloads today6,328 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Thu, 05 Jan 2017 14:33:07 GMT in - Forage WagonsHere I have for you the crown ZX450GD. It is a umgeskinnten Bergmann. It can be purchased, other tires, and an additional rotating beacon. Loading capacity: 34000 l In another Mod is also the...
featured Lely Tigo XR 75 D
v 1.10 Downloads today7,206 Downloads totalUser rating41 said thankspublished Fri, 04 Nov 2016 11:05:33 GMT in - Forage WagonsThis is to the original loading wagons Lely Tigo XR 75 D with a few minor modifications for all the gamers who know a little less with the subject of modding. What has changed or improved? 1) improve...
featured Strautmann Vitesse 5201 DO Tera
v 1.10 Downloads today13,700 Downloads totalUser rating65 said thankspublished Fri, 04 Nov 2016 11:04:15 GMT in - Forage WagonsThis is to the original loading wagons Strautmann Tera Vitesse 5201 DO with a few minor modifications for all the gamers who know a little less with the subject of modding. What has changed or improved...
featured Lely Tigo XR100D
v 3.02 Downloads today28,028 Downloads total63 commentsUser rating67 said thankspublished Wed, 22 Jun 2016 22:23:44 GMT in - Forage WagonsLove Virtual Farmer, I want to share with you my first mod, the Tigo XR100D the company Lely. He is a loader wagon, which can be used as the whole other loading wagons as Hächseltransportwagen (HTW...
featured Bergmann Shuttle 700s
v 2.10 Downloads today21,270 Downloads total28 commentsUser rating28 said thankspublished Tue, 24 Nov 2015 17:26:39 GMT in - Forage WagonsBERGMANN Bergmann Shuttel 700s Ladevoulumen : 35.550l Benötigte Leistung : 180Ps Unterhaltskosten : 95 €/pro Tag Neu Preis : 65.000€
featured HTS 71.04
v 1.00 Downloads today5,225 Downloads total18 commentsUser rating41 said thankspublished Sun, 31 May 2015 09:11:00 GMT in - Forage WagonsFortschritt HTS 71.04 Loading wagons 2m working width
featured Krone 3500 Turbo
v 1.10 Downloads today31,073 Downloads total27 commentsUser rating63 said thankspublished Fri, 03 Apr 2015 13:43:00 GMT in - Forage WagonsKRONE Turbo 3500 by ST mooding This is the model of Giants by treubeheubar S T ornuto - completely assembled and adjusted Modding new. Animated loading door Light scripts Washable Many animated...
featured Steyr Hamster 8023 KS
v 1.00 Downloads today7,231 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Sat, 07 Feb 2015 07:58:51 GMT in - Forage WagonsInfo: LS15 Plane eingebaut Plane überarbeitet und erhöht 23 000l Kapazität Blinker Waschbar Beladbar mit: Gras/Heu, Stroh, Häckselgut und Hackschnitzel
featured Mengele Wagon
v 3.00 Downloads today10,254 Downloads total29 commentsUser rating37 said thankspublished Sun, 11 Jan 2015 16:18:20 GMT in - Forage WagonsHere is my Christmas gift to you, and also my most likely last mod. This is a small Mengele loader wagons. He is a loading wagons without many frills. He makes 3 Logfehler, located on the Particel system...
featured Bergmann CAREX 38 S
v 1.00 Downloads today11,441 Downloads totalUser rating33 said thankspublished Tue, 11 Nov 2014 05:08:00 GMT in - Forage WagonsBergmann CAREX 38 S with increased yield. This is to store the original car from the LS 15. I have only increased the yield, because it bugged me a little that you had to mow lawns tens to get...
featured EinachserPritsche DIY
v 1.00 Downloads today2,270 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Thu, 21 Aug 2014 08:36:46 GMT in - Forage WagonsHere EinachserPritsche at the request of DDR homemade LS13 ... * DIY LS13: TSL * Bel v3.1 * Attacher back: low / normal * Animated * Washable * Capa: 6,000 * Tilting side: Rear * Loadable...
featured Schuitemaker Rapide 3000
v 1.2 MR1 Downloads today12,469 Downloads totalUser rating27 said thankspublished Sun, 27 Jul 2014 07:26:07 GMT in - Forage WagonsHere I point to you My Schuitemaker Rapide 3000 Facilities. Have fun Can me yes time on Facebook Visit -Https :/ / NOTE...
featured Schuitemaker Rapide 125
v 1.00 Downloads today8,104 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Mon, 30 Jun 2014 23:26:23 GMT in - Forage WagonsMinimizing costs are important to modern farmers. The Schuitemaker Rapide 125 allows a single operator to do the silage collection job of up to 3 men. In addition, this single trailer will allow...
featured Veenhuis COMBI 2000
v 1.00 Downloads today3,753 Downloads total16 commentsUser rating18 said thankspublished Wed, 11 Jun 2014 21:10:49 GMT in - Forage WagonsUPDATE 1.0 Model: Angelus Textures: Smety InGame: Smety