!!! This mod is no longer in development. No new features will be implemented, but small bugfixes or translation updates !!!
I recommend resetting the XML config by pressing "KeyPad /" once every new version of this mod to activate changes to functions, positions and sizes of HUD elements.
Whats new in version 1.6.x?
Implementation of direct lift/lower of front/rear hydraulic per direct key binding and turn on/off attached devices to front/back of the main vehicle. You may need up to four keys to use this functionality. default keybindings are left-Alt+1 to 4, but can be changed in the options.
Whats new in version 1.5.x?
Implementation of a shuttle shift functionality. If active the vehicle will drive in the selection direction only. Pressing the brake key will not drive the vehicle in the opposite direction any longer. Additionally a parking brake was implemented. Driving direction will be display left of the speedometer.
Space changes driving direction. Left control + space will turn shuttle shift on/off. insert/delete sets driving direction directly. end turns parking brake on/off.
Status of shuttle shift, of diffs and driving mode (on/off, forward/reverse, 4WD/2WD) is stored in the savegame per vehicle.
What does EnhancedVehicle?
This mod extends (engine-based) vehicles with differential locks and drive modes (four-wheel-drive, rear/front wheel drive). In addition, the HUD will be upgraded with some more detailed damage report, fuel tank level, fuel consumption, engine speed and temperature, and a weight/total weight display.
keyboard mapping (can be changed in the game options menu)
- Space - change shuttle shift driving direction
- lCtrl + Space - turns shuttle shift on/off (per vehicle)
- insert/delete - select driving direction directly
- end - turn parking brake on/off
- KeyPad 7 - enable/disable front axle differential lock
- KeyPad 8 - enable/disable back axle differential lock
- KeyPad 9 - switch wheel drive mode between 4WD (four wheel drive) or 2WD (two wheel drive)
- KeyPad / - reset HUD positions. use this if you messed up the XML config, changed the GUI scale or installed keyboardSteer from Mogli12 afterwards.
- KeyPad * - reload XML config to activate changes immediately without restarting the whole game
- lAlt+1 to 4 - front/rear hydraulic up/down, attached devices on/off
Sorry - too lazy to translate. Available in german in the german description only.
further notes
If the mod "VehicleControlAddon (VCA)" from Mogli12 is detected, some HUD elements are moved a bit to avoid overlapping. Press "KeyPad /" to reset their positions. (version required)
Please note: Due to limitations and bugs in the game engine, the HUD data for fuel consumption, engine temperature and weight are not available or incorrect for all multiplayer players - with the exception of the host.
More information here:
(c) 2018-2020 by ZhooL
21 Oct 09:48Version
2020-10-19 - V1.6.4.1
+ added spanish translation (thanks to eltrueno) #512019-04-17 - V1.6.4.0
+ added italian translation (thanks to zed636) #42
* update of polish translation (thanks to KITT3000) #43 -
14 Apr 17:03Version
2019-04-14 - V1.6.3.1
* fix log warning #34
* rework of modDesc files (thanks to KITT3000) -
20 Jan 10:55Version
2019-01-20 - V1.6.3.0
* updated to support the migration of KeyboardSteer to VehicleControlAddon (vca)2019-01-15 - V1.6.2.0
* talked to Mogli12 about compatibility between EV and KS and instead of disabling other mods functions the player (thats you) should decide which mods Shuttle Control/Shift should be used
to comply to that EV will no longer disable stuff, but display an annoying warning text on screen to instruct you how to proceed choosing a shuttle control/shift
+ added global options to enable/disable shuttle shift, differentials and hydraulics
+ added functions for other mods to enable/disable EnhancedVehicle functions
+ the "beep beep" is back -
14 Jan 21:06Version
2019-01-14 - V1.6.1.0
+ added functionality to turn on/off both differentials the same time (no default keybinding)2019-01-14 - V1.6.0.2
* adapt KS integration to new version2019-01-13 - V1.6.0.1
+ added french translation (thanks boloss)
* changed the way the hydraulic stuff works. should now work on most machinery
* changed how we setup actionEvents and InputBindungs
* another change in integration of KS camera stuff2019-01-12 - V1.6.0.0
+ implemented four new keybindings for hydraulic front+rear up/down and on/off (default: lAlt+1 to 4)2019-01-11 - V1.5.1.2
* (shuttle shift) better integration with keyboardSteer. backward looking camera should work again
* (shuttle shift) changed behavior: when vehicle moves (without throttle) and opposite direction is selected it will brake
* (shuttle shift) bugfix for those damn vehicles with build-in reverse driving mechanism -
11 Jan 08:23Version
2019-01-10 - V1.5.1.1
* (shuttle shift) bugfix for shuttle not working when a device with own motor is attached (like the big woodcutter)
* (shuttle shift) reverse lights are now working again when driving backwards. But reverse driving warning sound (beep beep) is still broken.
+ (shuttle shift) added some sounds2019-01-09 - V1.5.1.0
+ (shuttle shift) added two keybindings (default: insert and delete) for direct selection of forward/reverse driving direction
+ (shuttle shift) implemented a parking break (default key: end). when active, you can't move the vehicle... obviously
+ status of diff locks and drive mode per vehicle are now stored in savegame as well
+ try to disable conflicting keyboardSteer Mod functions (I'm sorry, Mogli12)2019-01-09 - V1.5.0.2
* bugfix for XML config is being resettet on every game start2019-01-09 - V1.5.0.1
* fix for log warning about performance of audio sample (wav -> ogg)
* moved all media files to subfolder -
08 Jan 23:13Version
2019-01-08 - V1.5.0.0
+ implemented shuttle shift functionality (per vehicle). press assigned key (default: Space) to change driving direction and (default: LCTRL+Space) to turn shuttle shift on/off
+ shuttle shift status per vehicle is stored in savegame
+ added shuttle shift status display left of speedMeter. The green arrow shows the selected driving direction. If shuttle shift is disabled the display turns gray-transparent.
+ added global option "shuttleDefaultIsOn" to choose whether shuttle shift is ON per default when entering "new" vehicles (default: OFF)
* moved differential status display to right-bottom corner of speedMeter2019-01-06 - V1.4.4.0
* completely rewrote the XML config handling. it's much more flexible now for future usage -
06 Jan 09:31Version
* replaced ugly text display of diff status by a neat graphic
+ added "clonk" sound when switching diff or drive mode (and global option to turn it off)
+ added global option to choose whether keybindings are displayed in the help menu or not
+ added keybinding (default: KEYPAD *) to reload XML config on the fly -
05 Jan 09:02Version
+ added "Make Feinstaub great again" feature. vehicles without AdBlue (DEF) will produce more black'n'blue exhaust smoke
* gave keyboard binding display in help menu a very low priority to not disturb the display of more important bindings
* changed the 2WD behavior again. should not be so wobbly any longer.
+ moved global variables like fontSize to XML config -
03 Jan 12:17Version
* reworked HUD elements positioning. should fix positions once and for all regardless of screen resolutions and GUI scaling (press "KeyPad /" to adept)
* workaround (it displays "0") for attachments without a damage model (no spec_wearable)
* changed the differential behavior for 2WD. this may cause some wobbly side effects on most vehicles but it's more correct now -
02 Jan 21:14Version
* fixed warning about the background overlay image (png -> dds)
+ config is now stored in XML file
+ position of HUD elements can be moved or enabled/disabled in XML file
* rewrote the key binding/key press stuff
+ key bindings can now be changed in the options menu
+ added config reset functionality and keybinding. use this if you messed up the XML or changed the GUI scale
+ if mod 'keyboardSteerMogli' is detected we move some HUD elements to let them not overlap
* moved the rpm and temperature HUD elements inside the speedmeter
* don't display not working HUD elements as a multiplayer (and not being host) client -
01 Jan 20:53Version
* bugfix for dedicated servers
* bugfix for clients not reacting on key press (stupid GIANT engine again) -
01 Jan 16:46Version
by Agarwen
ago almost 6 years -
by GamingLS
ago almost 6 years -
by 2Franz
ago almost 6 years -
by Agarwen
ago almost 6 years -
by Andrea79
ago almost 6 years -
by CornHub
ago almost 6 years -
by CornHub
ago almost 6 years -
by Agarwen
ago almost 6 years -
by Agarwen
ago almost 6 years -
by Andrea79
ago almost 6 years
18 Comments for EnhancedVehicle
Könntest du das Skript noch mal updaten und da gibt es noch ein Problem mit den Alpine DLC
wenn man das aktiv mit auf sein Spielstand nimmt ist AdBlue weg und Diesel wird Blau angezeigt.
Hi Super Mod DANKE erst mal dafür und 5 Sterne!!!!
Ich weiß nicht, ob man da nochmal nachhelfen kann, aber auf dem Dedi Server werden die Gewichte nicht mehr korrekt angezeigt. Die Maschinen sind plözlich nur noch 0.8t oder 1.7t schwer??
Im Singleplayer....alles normal.....
Error: configuration name 'extendedMaterial' is already in use!
Error: configuration name 'connectionHose' is already in use!
Nur den Teil des Mods, der die HUD-Anzeigen erzeugt, den Rest weglassen - als separates Mod.
Das wäre mal was.
Hi, ich hab seit dem Alpine DLC keine Tankanzeige mehr, nur noch AdBlue Füllstand. Schätze mal wegen dem Elektrotrecker. Dafür schlucken die normalen Trecker jetzt Unmengen an AdBlue ????.
Schaut doch bitte mal zusammen mit VCA von Mogli, geht der Mod nicht mehr.
Es muss unbedingt die V mit der ging das vowärts und rückwärts fahren eiwandfrei.
Ich weiss nicht wer die updates raushaut, aber danke
Hallo. Ich liebe diesen Mod nur macht er mir manchmal echt sorge. Es passiert ab und zu das sich der Tank des Traktors Schlagartig leer und er sich dann über die Map Schleudert. woran kann das liegen. Keine fehler im LOG
After the FS update, we are having problems on the MP, that is, every time we re-enter the game, all the means are with the commands, back and forth, reversed .... but sometimes it does so also in SP. ..
Moin, habe noch ein warning entdeckt.
Duplicate l10n entry 'EV_KS_warning5' in 'D:/home/sid_875224/farmingSim_2019/profile/mods/TSX_EnhancedVehicle/modDesc_l10n_en.xml'. Ignoring this defintion.
Perhaps you should Consider RightAlt + for your Key assignments:
Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_KP_7), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to TSX_EnhancedVehicle_FD to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_KP_8), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to TSX_EnhancedVehicle_RD to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_KP_9), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to TSX_EnhancedVehicle_DM to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_lctrl, KEY_space), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 2, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to TSX_EnhancedVehicle_SHUTTLE_ONOFF to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_space), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 2, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to TSX_EnhancedVehicle_SHUTTLE_SWITCH to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(BUTTON_5), deviceId: 0_046D-C29B-1239-XFw/XEhJRCNWSURfMDQ2RCZQSURfQzI5QiM3JmFmYmE4M2QmMCYwMDAwI3s0ZDFlNTViMi1mMTZmLTExY2YtODhjYi0wMDExMTEwMDAwMzB9AA==, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to TSX_EnhancedVehicle_SHUTTLE_SWITCH to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_KP_divide), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 1, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to TSX_EnhancedVehicle_RESET to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
Warning: Tried assigning the binding [(KEY_KP_multiply), deviceId: KB_MOUSE_DEFAULT, axisComponent: +, index: 2, isActive: true, isShadowed: false isInverted: nil, isDown: false, isUp: false, inputValue: 0] to TSX_EnhancedVehicle_RELOAD to an occupied slot. The new binding has been ignored
Version kann von github zum testen geladen werden (
2019-01-10 - V1.5.1.1
* (shuttle shift) bugfix for shuttle not working when a device with own motor is attached (like the big woodcutter)
* (shuttle shift) reverse lights are now working again when driving backwards. But reverse driving warning sound (beep beep) is still broken.
+ (shuttle shift) added air sound when releasing parking brake
cabmac: Maybe some People dont want to use Keyboardsteer??? I prefer this Mod,cause the many Camera functions and not save function from KeyboardSteer is anoying
why implement a tool like shuttle control that already exist in Keyboardsteer and make incompatible one mod with the other???
Great mod! Love this, thanks! I have one question. Is there a way to turn off the hud or is it always on display?
This would be great with a shuttle control in addition :)
Yesterday, tried in MP on server dedi, fuel consumption does not work, while the temperature is still at 20.00 ° C, and since there is no main host, we all have that problem, while the weight correctly, like everything else ... .
TOP mod,vielen dank.
Happy new year
mod works thank you for that, it howveer cause it extends the hud by adding extra info messes up 2 mods that i use 1 is vehiclesfruithud but i can live with that, the other is keyboardsteer, the degress of keyboarsteer is bottom right above the hud so those 2 are standing in each other for me making it hard to read some information.
So I hope in time 1 of the 2 mods get adjusted so it doesnt overlap each other.
Again I like the mod but it interfears with mods that also add info or give option to extend the hud bottom right.
And would hate to make a choice between mods cause of that.
Happy New Year !