
V 1.0.6 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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This is the Multifruit edition off mavericksFarm SEASONS ready since 1.0.5 update

It’s actually a multifruit and production  4x map.

Additional field fruits

Oat , rye,spelt,triticale,millet



Plum , pear , orange , apple , cherry,coffeebeans


The factory’s are not working with palletcollectors anymore so they can’t get bugged eather , you will need a special designed trailer to pick up the end products off all pallet based factory’s. 1 trailer made by bdbssb is build in the map ,you can find it in the shop to buy. Another one  called producttrailer will be included in the zipfile. No other trailer will be able to pick up the products.

I added allot new factory’s , also builded in the nice factoryPack from BDBSSB

With over 50 products a list off the factory’s will be included in the zipfile aswell will this explanation.

Also replaced the fertilizer and seeds factory’s with a updated model, you will be able to fill your seeders directly at the factory’s aswell.

Needed mods in the zipfile

Holmer pack for rootcrops

12m header  sugarbeet/potato

12m header  onion/carrot

12m header cabbage,redcabbage,lettuce

Producttrailer to load factory products


PallettrailerBD to load factory products build in the mapfile can be found with the tippers

Liquidtrailerpack , 1 trailer for all kind off liquids , willn’t load fuel from ingame gasstations , will load own produced fuel or from the fuelstorages , 1 trailer loads only fuel to be find in misc category

Hops and hemp has to be cut with a maizeheader

I hope you all enjoy the multifruit edition off this map.

To support my work , it will be appreciated but not necessary


For map  support and updates go to my Fb page or pc-sg forum



1: make sure you don't have another map in you modfolder

2: make sure you don't have the kastor placeable's in your modfolder they will conflict with the ones that are build in.


3: you do not need UPK or any other script for the map , all you need is build in the map.


BDBSSB for the support ,the great factory idea and the nice mods

LBG group for testing the map

Shywizard (youtube)and to help making the map seasons ready

Nick the Hick (youtube)

A special thank you to chaseydog (pc-sg modding )

A special thank you to my tester from LBG group

Modders (sorry if i forget someone)









scripts Kevin98 and Marhu


Urmodder: BaTt3RiE


BaTt3RiE/Kobold Koby



and all other modders . Allot respect

  • 28 Nov 14:42
    Version 1.0.6

    fixed or improved in 1.0.6

    1:removed bunkers and replaced it with 6 fermenters
    2:rye/oat had reverse textures (solved)
    3:drive over the water (solved)
    4;grass spots in some fields(solved)
    5:sillotrigger mainfarm higherd for CP
    6:speeded up some productions
    7:conveyor problem for manure (solved) wasn't a map issue but the ingame conveyor,modded one that gonna work better
    8: tweeked the balloons to only 1 instead 4/6 ,caused fps drops for some players and tuned down the noise
    9: sugar salepoints fixed
    10:fixed some collisions and minor issue's
    11: updated some displays so they're easier to read
    12:fixed field 22 to be seen as a field(but for that you need a new savegame,if you don't care you can just play on)

    all equipment from previous update if you have them you can delete them

    added the right dolly to make a roadtrain with the BD pallettrailer
    added a modified conveyor that's able to load the manure from the cows and the pigs the right way.
    All will be find in the category for the map in shop

    I think all problems should be solved on this map now, maybe some minor problems that doesn't effect the gameplay.
    This should be the final version of this map otherwise i will never get to a new project.
    Thanks for all the feedback and kind words.It's for you guys i do all this work.
    Happy Farming

  • 18 Nov 01:03
    Version 1.0.5

    Ok guys , the update of the map is ready to release finaly. It was a pain in the ...... but we get there.
    You have to start a new savegame for this update
    -updated the map for 1.5.1 and added sugarcane
    -fixed colision on the mainfarm
    -improved the potatowasher
    -made pigdirt area same as sheeps and cows
    -changed the loadplaces for resetted vehicle to the shop so you have more space to move around
    -moved inputs from some factory's so it's easier to reach with roadtrains
    -did some little improvements all around
    -added a display at the mainfarm for the rootcrops
    -made the map seasons ready
    -modded seeders to be able to plant all fruits on the map including sugarcane
    -edited the holmer and made a 12m header to cut sugarcane so
    also people that don't have platinum can plant and harvest sugarcane
    -added a dolly so you can make a roadtrain from the pallettrailer................
    All equipment will be find in his own category in shop now, so replace all vehicle you got from me

  • 29 Oct 10:13
    Version 1.0.3

    NO Need for new game
    added extra compost maker
    added digestate to :
    salepoint,manure maker,slurry seperator(BGA area)
    added compost to salepoints
    Higher the capacity the BGA takes, it does accept up to 5 mil now
    instead off 50k.

  • 23 Oct 19:57
    Version 1.0.2

    adjusted prices
    fixed winebar
    texture error fixed
    higher some pipes to fit all trailers
    increased rootcrop capacity
    added 2 x carwash
    added fermenter pack
    added manure maker

    be aware the equipment you need are in the first download,if you don't have them yet you have to download that file.

  • 17 Oct 14:11
    Version 1


17.10 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.68 / 40 Votes


nach 51 Stimmen

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V 1.0.6
Farming Simulator 17
1.44 GB 7337
28. 11 2017 7,337
V 1.0.5
Farming Simulator 17
1.44 GB 2156
18. 11 2017 2,156
V 1.0.3
Farming Simulator 17
1.46 GB 1214
29. 10 2017 1,214
2 ältere Versionen

9 Comments for MavericksMultifruitV1

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  1. maverick74 20. 10 2017

    this will fix the error in the map and in a header i included in the zipfile.

    1 replies

  2. tony2055 11. February

    Hallo liebe leute,
    Ich habe folgendes Problem und zwar habe ich jetzt versucht bei der Fleisch Fabrik Kastor Food INC. und daneben die drei Ställe Tiere abzuladen und habe wirklich mit jeden Tiertransporter versucht und ich kann einfach keine Tiere dort in der Fabrik oder in den drei Ställen daneben die dazu gehören abladen. Mach ich was falsch oder woran liegt das das es nicht geht mit den Tieren abladen? Denn da wo man die Tiere füttern muss da geht es mit den abladen nur in der Fabrik und umgebung dir drei ställe geht es nicht.

    Bitte helft mir da ich diese Fabrik gerne in Betrieb nehmen und Fleisch und Wurst produzieren möchte

  3. tony2055 15. 08 2023

    Lass mal Fernfahrer280161 das gleiche Problem habe ich auch ich kann aus der Palletenfabrik keine Paletten raus holen mit dem Palettentrailer von dem Maverick. Ich denke das da ein Fehler drin ist der das aufladen unmöglich macht.

  4. noris1225 05. 06 2018

    28 maja o 20:54 ·
    I got some very sad news just now , the map i'm building was for a 14 year old kid called Joran that had cancer. he past away this evening and will never be able to play the map. I will keep building on it in memory of Joran.He was a great kid and i will always remember him. R.I.P my little friend????

  5. ls-a-panel 14. 12 2017

    when will there be a new update of the map? lg

  6. Siegerflieger 18. 11 2017

    Too bad that you have not installed tobacco and cigar factory, that would have been the culmination, because hops has no meaning on the map.

  7. rene1969 04. 11 2017

    Short note Rock 8 is not purchasable and too small to dump

  8. noris1225 30. 10 2017

    hello i play the fix2 version of winegre grapes

  9. Siegerflieger 20. 10 2017

    Hello Maverick74, since the hops on the map is free, since the brewery does not need a hops, it would be better if you built tobacco as well as a cigar factory as on the South Map, would make more sense or not. Thank you

    1 replies
